James Blake - Limit To Your Love from James Blake on Vimeo.
t/ Finally, my first post on Fruity Legsia! What an honour to be sharing and creating things with two lovely ladies I admire so much! (Apologies if I stuff up the linking to stuff. This is all new to me!)
Well, this clip has been doing the blog rounds of late, but I still wanted to post about it. I’ve been watching it over and over and not getting sick of it. The floaty camera work, the odd things going on, the detail, the close-ups, the clever use of lighting – it creates a wonderful feeling of intimacy and loneliness at the same time.
The director is Martin de Thurah and you can see a lot of his other films on Vimeo. I highly recommend the short piece titled ‘Water City’.
You probably recognise the song as it is originally by Feist. I would go as far as to say this version is better though. James Blake is only 22 and creates such unique music. It is so different to what I have been listening to lately - a bit dub, a bit RnB, and a bit of something else I don’t know. I highly recommend his latest EP, (aptly named) ‘CMYK’.